Monday, 22 June 2015

Latymer Upper Activities Week Intro 2015

Monday 22nd - Friday 26th June 2015

For one week in June the whole School spends a week on various challenging activities.  This school tradition has lasted over 40 years. Below is the list of trips for this year.

Alternative London
Ardeche Adventure
Bushcraft Survival
Defending Britain
Discovering Northern Ireland
Gastronomic London
Ireland Surf and Turf 
Isle of Man Adventure
London Calling
London Multi Sports
Mussels in Brussels
Normandy Activity
Peak District Explorer
Sailing in Scotland
Scuba Diving
Skern Lodge
Surfing in Cornwall
Swim Trek
Tour du Mont Blanc
Yacht Sailing the Solent
Yorkshire Dales

During this week, Trip Leaders will email the school directly with updates from their trip each evening, and their blog will be updated regularly.  Please note not all trips will have internet access but they will try to update us when possible.

If you would like to follow activities week on Twitter please follow @LatymerUpper and search for #LUSactivitieswk