Ardeche Adventure Day Three

Tuesday was the third and final day of the mighty ardeche river descent. We awoke feeling battle worn from yesterday, meeting the PGL instructors ceaseless stream of rehashed 'why did the chicken cross the road' jokes with groans of mild contempt. Little did we know that the 12km canoe trek that lay ahead of us would be even more raucous than last night's disco, which says a lot. We took on the Ardeche River's most perilous rapids, with Mr Seymour and Mr Gill managing to capsize everyone in their wake underneath a rock which was allegedly haunted by 'Madeleine', a 17th century harlot whose body lies underneath it. Things got rather rowdy after lunchtime, when we all went slightly mad from over exertion following another exhilarating cliff jump. The last 2 kilometres of our journey were dedicated to exercising our choral prowess, complete with a scintillating rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody which earned us the prize of being the most hated people on the Ardeche river - apparently French sunbathers have no ear for good music. Eventually, after many more capsizes and memorial services for sunglasses that were lost in said capsizes, we reached the shore and rewarded ourselves with some hard earned ice cream. We went to bed exhausted but very happy; the perfect send off from Segries before we venture on for some nautical high jinx on the coast at the Mimosa centre.