Day 1

After a three and a half hour flight we finally arrived at the airport in Marrakech where we then went to settle in at the hotel Diwane. Abduhl, the guide showed us around Jamal square where we had a drink at a cafe, overlooking the snake charmers, monkeys and the local dancers.
Day 2

Before the three hour bus journey to Essaouria we got to go to the pool at the hotel for a refreshing swim. Once we had arrived at the hotel in Essaouria which had a picturesque view of the sandy beach we dipped in for a swim. After being dried and dressed we had some traditional Moroccan dishes for dinner. As an evening activity we took a cultural promenade through the city centre and each had a chilled ice cream to finish the day off before going to bed.
Day 3

We woke up early for breakfast and started our day by buying packed lunch at the supermarket to go help a village 30 miles from the city. We had to walk down a run down path for 10 minutes before arriving. This day was the most amazing experience. We first got to sing, play and talk to the pre school children and teachers who worked at the school we were visiting. All of them were friendly and welcomed us to build them gardens and paint their school, before which we had to sand it. They were extremely thankful and appreciative when we gave each of them a bag filled with toys, stationary, and clothes for their whole family. We all enjoyed helping their community. After this we once again got to go for a swim in the cooling Atlantic sea before dinner and another ice cream.
Day 4
After saving our money from the first days we walked through the shops in Medina to buy some souvenirs. We then had a cultural lunch where we ate kebabs. At the hotel we cooled off and relaxed by the pool. We then went dinner at the hotel which was very tasty. After dinner a local henna lady came to do henna tattoos for the girls.
Day 5