Friday, 27 June 2014


On Thursday we began with a visit to the iconic Eiffel Tower, where we took many a photo and bought many a souvenir. We then proceeded to take a waterborne tour of the city, taking in such famous sights as Notre Dame, the padlock bridge and back to the Eiffel Tower.

After this we stopped quickly for lunch, and went on to the Chocolate Museum and factory. There we concocted some delicious treats, including white chocolate buttons and milk chocolate lollipops. We also had some interesting feats of dining, including Tristan gulping down half a packet of liquid white chocolate. We then ate at Flunch for dinner, and went back to the hotel for a quiz on general knowledge and mastered the art of building marshmallow buildings.  

p.s. Mr Charlwood told us some really fascinating facts about the Paris sewers today. He is, in no way, running out of interesting things to say. Voilá!
p.p.s. It is Mrs Shepheard's birthday tomorrow. Joyeux Noël!

By Joe Stimson