Mawgan Porth beach
was our beautiful location for the first full day in Cornwall.
Under gloriously
sunny skies, we were welcomed to the bay by the unbelievably enthusiastic surf
instructors, Pete and his team. With some brief but expert
everyone was quickly in the water and starting to make progress.
The morning
surf was punctuated with spells of completely flat water, but
pleasant sets of
waves rolled in regularly to provide an ideal training ground.
In the
afternoon, the tide had turned and we were able to enjoy the optimal
part of
the surfing day, with constant 2-3 foot waves keeping everyone busy
for the
whole afternoon. Every single pupil deserves a mention for their tenacity
willingness to learn, but special mention must go to Felix Ramin and
Zara Akram
for rapid improvement and consistent elegance. The evening
consisted of the
theoretically unpopular and pointless, but realistically brilliant
compelling activity of sandcastle building. Four magnificent structures
erected, but the overall winners were team Dabrowski (again),
under the
direction of Chief Engineer Cidonio, with their flawless
recreation of Wembley
Stadium (circa 2001)