Thursday, 28 June 2018

Dartmoor Day 3

Dartmoor Day 3 witnessed “Lake Day”. The students spent as much time in the water as they did out of it! Over the course of the day, students had a go at kayaking, canoeing and raft building. 

The kayakers impressed with their speed and agility, particularly during a game of kayak football and polo. Without a doubt, everyone ended up in the water at some stage! The canoeing took a little bit of getting used to and provided everyone with an opportunity to build teamwork and leadership skills. To finish the session, all students thoroughly enjoyed the canoe slide into the water! Raft building proved a highlight as ever. Three groups took on the challenge to build a raft that could carry at least ten, float, and enable the team to paddle out to the island to rescue a teacher! Mr Martin diligently waited to be rescued for quite some time, much to the amusement of all, before the group’s raft dramatically and titanically sunk! Fortunately, the final group of the day worked together brilliantly to build a raft that floated with stunning ease and sturdiness. They picked up a very impressed Miss Chapman and escorted her all the way back to shore! 

After another day in the scorching sun, spirits were high. The staff yet again commented on the group’s superb attitude. In the evening, students learnt about bushcraft. They all built wood dens and learnt how to create a fire, which came in good use when marshmallows were whipped out! Tomorrow, we will be surfing all day!