Thursday, 29 June 2017

UKSA Cowes Day 4

Here's an update from the students on Day 4
"Today we kept drifting further and further away because there was no wind and the tide took us
to near Osborne House, the instructor in our boat kept on pointing at it and they had to radio back and eventually a power boat came out. But it took ages... The instructor was lovely she is called Fenny and we learned about how to rig up the boat"
Oliver Bird and Louis Jouhar 

"Today the sea was quite flat, and there was not much wind. But we did not get sea sick. We played games to keep us entertained in the flat sea"
By Fabia Martin

"We took turns controlling the keel boat, the rudder, jib and sail... The sea was really calm and it was not as difficult as before and we had a lot of fun"
Aliya Ismagilova

"We are having such a good time. The UKSA staff made us very welcome and we took ownership of the keel boats"

Isabella Sportelli 

"Sailing, brilliant chat... evening out lots of bonding, students getting the most out of this trip. Sat right in front of the marina... It was really lovely at sunset"

Oliver Bird

"The best today was that I did not get wet"
Matthew Corsellis

"Today our boat drifted and we were pushed into an area near Portsmouth, we got back to the base very late..."

Ashley Gautama